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Keep your child learning over the summer with BTA
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Keep your child learning over the summer with BTA

Most students look forward to their summer break as an opportunity to recharge. While a break is both important and necessary, it is also equally beneficial to continue to keep students engaged. Here’s why:

  1. Summer learning helps students to prepare for the upcoming school year.When students continue to learn, they have a less difficult time re-adjusting when school rolls back around. It’s important for students to stay ready so they don’t have to get ready!
  2. Learning over the summer curbs the dreaded “summer slide.”Ever heard the phrase, “Use it, or lose it’? When students continue to use the skills they have learned and apply that knowledge they have gained, they are less likely to see significant losses in learning.
  3. For students who are already ahead, summer learning allows them to continue to stay on track.Summer may be a great time to focus on a skill that a student wants to improve, or it may be a time to learn something new altogether, building on what has already been mastered.
  4. Students who learn over the summer can focus on their studies without the pressures of maintaining grades.Students sometimes stress over performing well in school, which can often be reflected in their grades. Many are still struggling with learning loss from the pandemic; the summer is the perfect time to play catch-up on their studies and to build confidence for success in the classroom.
  5. Summer learning, especially with Better Than Average tutors, can actually be fun!Students will get to enjoy learning alongside their peers and will interact with other driven individuals with similar goals. Wherever they are on their journey, our tutors are determined to meet the students right where they are.
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